Flink has a monitoring API that can be used to query status and statistics of running jobs, as well as recent completed jobs. This monitoring API is used by Flink’s own dashboard, but is designed to be used also by custom monitoring tools.
The monitoring API is a REST-ful API that accepts HTTP GET requests and responds with JSON data.
The monitoring API is backed by a web server that runs as part of the JobManager. By default, this server listens at post 8081
, which can be configured in flink-conf.yaml
via jobmanager.web.port
. Note that the monitoring API web server and the web dashboard web server are currently the same and thus run together at the same port. They respond to different HTTP URLs, though.
In the case of multiple JobManagers (for high availability), each JobManager will run its own instance of the monitoring API, which offers information about completed and running job while that JobManager was elected the cluster leader.
The REST API backend is in the flink-runtime-web
project. The core class is org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.WebRuntimeMonitor
, which sets up the server and the request routing.
We use Netty and the Netty Router library to handle REST requests and translate URLs. This choice was made because this combination has lightweight dependencies, and the performance of Netty HTTP is very good.
To add new requests, one needs to add a new request handler class. A good example to look at is the org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.handlers.JobExceptionsHandler
. After creating the handler, the handler needs to be registered with the request router in org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.WebRuntimeMonitor
Below is a list of available requests, with a sample JSON response. All requests are of the sample form http://hostname:8081/jobs
, below we list only the path part of the URLs.
Values in angle brackets are variables, for example http://hostname:8081/jobs/<jobid>/exceptions
will have to requested for example as http://hostname:8081/jobs/7684be6004e4e955c2a558a9bc463f65/exceptions
Some information about the monitoring API and the server setup.
Sample Result:
"refresh-interval": 3000,
"timezone-offset": 3600000,
"timezone-name": "Central European Time",
"flink-version": "1.3-SNAPSHOT",
"flink-revision": "8124545 @ 16.09.2015 @ 15:38:42 CEST"
Simple summary of the Flink cluster status.
Sample Result:
"taskmanagers": 17,
"slots-total": 68,
"slots-available": 68,
"jobs-running": 0,
"jobs-finished": 3,
"jobs-cancelled": 1,
"jobs-failed": 0
IDs of the jobs, grouped by status running, finished, failed, canceled.
Sample Result:
"jobs-running": [],
"jobs-finished": ["7684be6004e4e955c2a558a9bc463f65","49306f94d0920216b636e8dd503a6409"],
Jobs, groupes by status, each with a small summary of its status.
Sample Result:
"jid": "7684be6004e4e955c2a558a9bc463f65",
"name": "Flink Java Job at Wed Sep 16 18:08:21 CEST 2015",
"state": "FINISHED",
"start-time": 1442419702857,
"end-time": 1442419975312,
"last-modification": 1442419975312,
"tasks": {
"total": 6,
"pending": 0,
"running": 0,
"finished": 6,
"canceling": 0,
"canceled": 0,
"failed": 0
"jid": "49306f94d0920216b636e8dd503a6409",
"name": "Flink Java Job at Wed Sep 16 18:16:39 CEST 2015",
Jobs, grouped by status, each with a small summary of its status. The same as /joboverview
, but containing only currently running jobs.
Jobs, grouped by status, each with a small summary of its status. The same as /joboverview
, but containing only completed (finished, canceled, or failed) jobs.
Summary of one job, listing dataflow plan, status, timestamps of state transitions, aggregate information for each vertex (operator).
Sample Result:
"jid": "ab78dcdbb1db025539e30217ec54ee16",
"name": "WordCount Example",
"timestamps": {
"CREATED": 1442421277536, "RUNNING": 1442421277609, "FAILING": 0, "FAILED": 0, "CANCELLING": 0, "CANCELED": 0, "FINISHED": 1442421299791, "RESTARTING": 0
"vertices": [ {
"id": "19b5b24062c48a06e4eac65422ac3317",
"name": "CHAIN DataSource (at getTextDataSet(WordCount.java:142) ...",
"parallelism": 2,
"status": "FINISHED",
"start-time": 1442421277609,
"end-time": 1442421299469,
"duration": 21860,
"tasks": {
"metrics": {
"read-bytes": 0, "write-bytes": 37098, "read-records": 0, "write-records": 3312
}, {
"id": "f00c89b349b5c998cfd9fe2a06e50fd0",
"name":"Reduce (SUM(1), at main(WordCount.java:67)",
"parallelism": 2,
}, {
"id": "0a36cbc29102d7bc993d0a9bf23afa12",
"name": "DataSink (CsvOutputFormat (path: /tmp/abzs, delimiter: ))",
} ],
"status-counts": {
"plan": {
// see plan details below
Currently the same as /jobs/<jobid>
The user-defined execution config used by the job.
Sample Result:
"jid": "ab78dcdbb1db025539e30217ec54ee16",
"name": "WordCount Example",
"execution-config": {
"execution-mode": "PIPELINED",
"restart-strategy": "Restart deactivated",
"job-parallelism": -1,
"object-reuse-mode": false
The non-recoverable exceptions that have been observed by the job.
The truncated
flag defines whether more exceptions occurred, but are not listed, because the response would otherwise get too big.
Sample Result:
"root-exception": "java.io.IOException: File already exists:/tmp/abzs/2\n\tat org.apache.flink.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem. ...",
"all-exceptions": [ {
"exception": "java.io.IOException: File already exists:/tmp/abzs/1\n\tat org.apache.flink...",
"task": "DataSink (CsvOutputFormat (path: /tmp/abzs, delimiter: )) (1/2)",
"location": "localhost:49220"
}, {
"exception": "java.io.IOException: File already exists:/tmp/abzs/2\n\tat org.apache.flink...",
"task": "DataSink (CsvOutputFormat (path: /tmp/abzs, delimiter: )) (2/2)",
"location": "localhost:49220"
} ],
The aggregated user accumulators plus job accumulators.
Sample Result:
"user-task-accumulators": [ {
"name": "avglen",
"type": "DoubleCounter",
"value": "DoubleCounter 61.5162972"
"name": "genwords",
"type": "LongCounter",
"value": "LongCounter 37500000"
} ]
Information about one specific vertex, with a summary for each of its subtasks.
Sample Result:
"id": "dceafe2df1f57a1206fcb907cb38ad97",
"name": "CHAIN DataSource -> Map -> FlatMap -> Combine(SUM(1))",
"parallelism": 2,
"now": 1442424002154,
"subtasks": [ {
"status": "FINISHED",
"attempt": 0,
"host": "localhost",
"start-time": 1442421093762,
"end-time": 1442421386680,
"duration": 292918,
"metrics": {
"read-bytes": 0, "write-bytes": 12684375, "read-records": 0, "write-records": 1153125
}, {
"subtask": 1,
"status": "FINISHED",
"attempt": 0,
"host": "localhost",
"start-time": 1442421093774,
"end-time": 1442421386267,
"duration": 292493,
"metrics": {
"read-bytes": 0, "write-bytes": 12684375, "read-records": 0, "write-records": 1153125
} ]
This request returns the timestamps for the state transitions of all subtasks of a given vertex. These can be used, for example, to create time-line comparisons between subtasks.
Sample Result:
"id": "dceafe2df1f57a1206fcb907cb38ad97",
"name": "CHAIN DataSource -> Map -> Combine(SUM(1))",
"subtasks": [ {
"subtask": 0,
"host": "localhost",
"duration": 292924,
"timestamps": {
"CREATED": 1442421093741, "SCHEDULED": 1442421093756, "DEPLOYING": 1442421093762, "RUNNING": 1442421094026, "FINISHED": 1442421386680, "CANCELING": 0, "CANCELED": 0, "FAILED": 0
}, {
"subtask": 1,
"host": "localhost",
"duration": 292494,
"timestamps": {
"CREATED": 1442421093741, "SCHEDULED": 1442421093773, "DEPLOYING": 1442421093774, "RUNNING": 1442421094013, "FINISHED": 1442421386267, "CANCELING": 0, "CANCELED": 0, "FAILED": 0
} ]
TaskManager statistics for one specific vertex. This is an aggregation of subtask statistics returned by /jobs/<jobid>/vertices/<vertexid>
Sample Result:
"id": "fe20bcc29b87cdc76589ca42114c2499",
"name": "Reduce (SUM(1), at main(WordCount.java:72)",
"now": 1454348282653,
"taskmanagers": [ {
"host": "ip-10-0-43-227:35413",
"status": "FINISHED",
"start-time": 1454347870991,
"end-time": 1454347872111,
"duration": 1120,
"metrics": {
"read-bytes": 32503056, "write-bytes": 9637041, "read-records": 2906087, "write-records": 849467
"status-counts": {
"host": "ip-10-0-43-227:41486",
"status": "FINISHED",
"start-time": 1454347871001,
"end-time": 1454347872395,
"duration": 1394,
"metrics": {
"read-bytes": 32389499, "write-bytes": 9608829, "read-records": 2895999, "write-records": 846948
"status-counts": {
} ]
The aggregated user-defined accumulators, for a specific vertex.
Sample Result:
"id": "dceafe2df1f57a1206fcb907cb38ad97",
"user-accumulators": [ {
"name": "avglen", "type": "DoubleCounter", "value": "DoubleCounter 123.03259440000001"
}, {
"name": "genwords", "type": "LongCounter", "value": "LongCounter 75000000"
} ]
Gets all user-defined accumulators for all subtasks of a given vertex. These are the individual accumulators that are returned in aggregated form by the
request /jobs/<jobid>/vertices/<vertexid>/accumulators
Sample Result:
"id": "dceafe2df1f57a1206fcb907cb38ad97",
"parallelism": 2,
"subtasks": [ {
"subtask": 0,
"attempt": 0,
"host": "localhost",
"user-accumulators": [ {
"name": "genwords", "type": "LongCounter", "value": "LongCounter 62500000"
}, {
"name": "genletters", "type": "LongCounter", "value": "LongCounter 1281589525"
} ]
}, {
"subtask": 1,
"attempt": 0,
"host": "localhost",
"user-accumulators": [ {
"name": "genwords", "type": "LongCounter", "value": "LongCounter 12500000"
}, {
"name": "genletters", "type": "LongCounter", "value": "LongCounter 256317905"
} ]
} ]
Summary of the current or latest execution attempt of a specific subtask. See below for a sample.
Summary of a specific execution attempt of a specific subtask. Multiple execution attempts happen in case of failure/recovery.
Sample Result:
"subtask": 0,
"status": "FINISHED",
"attempt": 0,
"host": "localhost",
"start-time": 1442421093762,
"end-time": 1442421386680,
"duration": 292918,
"metrics": {
"read-bytes": 0, "write-bytes": 12684375, "read-records": 0, "write-records": 1153125
The accumulators collected for one specific subtask during one specific execution attempt (multiple attempts happen in case of failure/recovery).
Sample Result:
"subtask": 0,
"attempt": 0,
"id": "b22f94d91bf41ddb",
"user-accumulators": [ {
"name": "genwords", "type":"LongCounter", "value":"LongCounter 62500000"
}, {
"name": "genletters", "type": "LongCounter", "value": "LongCounter 1281589525"
}, {
"name": "avglen", "type": "DoubleCounter", "value": "DoubleCounter 102.527162"
} ]
The dataflow plan of a job. The plan is also included in the job summary (/jobs/<jobid>
Sample Result:
"name":"WordCount Example",
"nodes": [ {
"id": "f00c89b349b5c998cfd9fe2a06e50fd0",
"parallelism": 2,
"operator": "GroupReduce",
"operator_strategy": "Sorted Group Reduce",
"description": "Reduce (SUM(1), at main(WordCount.java:67)",
"inputs": [ {
"num": 0,
"ship_strategy": "Hash Partition on [0]",
"local_strategy":"Sort (combining) on [0:ASC]",
} ],
"optimizer_properties": {
"global_properties": [
{ "name":"Partitioning", "value":"HASH_PARTITIONED" },
{ "name":"Partitioned on", "value":"[0]" },
{ "name":"Partitioning Order", "value":"(none)" },
{ "name":"Uniqueness", "value":"not unique" }
"local_properties": [
{ "name":"Order", "value":"[0:ASC]" },
{ "name":"Grouped on", "value":"[0]" },
{ "name":"Uniqueness", "value":"not unique" }
"estimates": [
{ "name":"Est. Output Size", "value":"(unknown)" },
{ "name":"Est. Cardinality", "value":"(unknown)" }
"costs": [
{ "name":"Network", "value":"(unknown)" },
{ "name":"Disk I/O", "value":"(unknown)" },
{ "name":"CPU", "value":"(unknown)" },
{ "name":"Cumulative Network", "value":"(unknown)" },
{ "name":"Cumulative Disk I/O", "value":"(unknown)" },
{ "name":"Cumulative CPU","value":"(unknown)" }
"compiler_hints": [
{ "name":"Output Size (bytes)", "value":"(none)" },
{ "name":"Output Cardinality", "value":"(none)" },
{ "name":"Avg. Output Record Size (bytes)", "value":"(none)" },
{ "name":"Filter Factor", "value":"(none)" }
"id": "19b5b24062c48a06e4eac65422ac3317",
"parallelism": 2,
"operator": "Data Source -> FlatMap -> GroupCombine",
"operator_strategy":" (none) -> FlatMap -> Sorted Combine",
"description":"DataSource (at getTextDataSet(WordCount.java:142) (org.apache.flink.api.java.io.TextInputFormat)) -> FlatMap (FlatMap at main(WordCount.java:67)) -> Combine(SUM(1), at main(WordCount.java:67)",
"optimizer_properties": {
"id": "0a36cbc29102d7bc993d0a9bf23afa12",
"parallelism": 2,
"operator": "Data Sink",
"operator_strategy": "(none)",
"description": "DataSink (CsvOutputFormat (path: /tmp/abzs, delimiter: ))",
"inputs":[ {
"num": 0,
"id": "f00c89b349b5c998cfd9fe2a06e50fd0",
"ship_strategy": "Forward",
"exchange": "pipelined"
} ],
"optimizer_properties": {
} ]
request to /jobs/:jobid/cancel
Triggers job cancellation, result on success is {}
Triggers a savepoint and cancels the job after the savepoint succeeds.
request to /jobs/:jobid/cancel-with-savepoint/
triggers a savepoint to the default savepoint directory and cancels the job.
request to /jobs/:jobid/cancel-with-savepoint/target-directory/:targetDirectory
triggers a savepoint to the given target directory and cancels the job.
Since savepoints can take some time to complete this operation happens asynchronously. The result to this request is the location of the in-progress cancellation.
Sample Trigger Result:
"status": "accepted",
"request-id": 1,
"location": "/jobs/:jobid/cancel-with-savepoint/in-progress/1"
The progress of the cancellation has to be monitored by the user at
The request ID is returned by the trigger result.
"status": "in-progress",
"request-id": 1
"status": "success",
"request-id": 1,
"savepoint-path": "<savepointPath>"
The savepointPath
points to the external path of the savepoint, which can be used to resume the savepoint.
"status": "failed",
"request-id": 1,
"cause": "<error message>"
It is possible to upload, run, and list Flink programs via the REST APIs and web frontend.
Send a POST
request to /jars/upload
with your jar file sent as multi-part data under the jarfile
Also make sure that the multi-part data includes the Content-Type
of the file itself, some http libraries do not add the header by default.
The multi-part payload should start like
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="jarfile"; filename="YourFileName.jar"
Content-Type: application/x-java-archive
Send a POST
request to /jars/:jarid/run
. The jarid
parameter is the file name of the program JAR in the configured web frontend upload directory (configuration key jobmanager.web.upload.dir
You can specify the following query parameters (all optional):
program-args=arg1 arg2 arg3
If the call succeeds, you will get a response with the ID of the submitted job.
Example: Run program with a savepoint
POST: /jars/MyProgram.jar/run?savepointPath=/my-savepoints/savepoint-1bae02a80464&allowNonRestoredState=true
{"jobid": "869a9868d49c679e7355700e0857af85"}